Business Loan
Loan Features
- Individual business loan
- Proof of business location and existence.
- Registered with government of Uganda with a TIN number and trading license.
- Can prove that the business is earning an income (Cashflow presented and proved with bank statement or mobile money transactions).
- Prove that the business has been operational for a minimum of two (2) years.
- A member can only secure this product without a collateral for a maximum of 5,000,000/= and payable within a year.
- Any amount secured beyond 5,000,000/= should have a guarantor(s) who are member (s) of the cooperative. The share amount for the loan applicant and the guarantor should be worth 60% of the total amount applied for as a loan.
- The first time borrower can only borrow up to a tune of 10,000,000/= (Ten million shillings)
- The maximum amount one can secure is 30,000,000/= (Thirsty million shillings)
Our Services
Our range of innovative products and services is designed to meet the diverse financial needs of our members

With competitive interest rates and easy access to funds, saving with us is a step towards financial stability.

We provide Flexible financing solutions tailored to meet the needs of our members

KHASAKH is currently investing in loans, fixed deposits, treasury bills, real estates